Selected Projects - Software Systems


A User-level UNIX-like operating system that implements a kernel (priority scheduler), a FAT16 file system, and a user-interactive shell that supports all basic UNIX commands.
C, UNIX, File System


A Distributed Cloud Platform with File Storage and Webmail services. With Multi-threaded HTTP servers at frontend and key-value stores at backend, the system ensures sequential consistency, fault-tolerance and high scalability.
C++, gRPC/protobuf, Socket


A full-stack social media web application allowing users to share images/videos and to follow other users. Features includes login sessions, live updated feed, following suggestions, post privacy etc.
Javascript, React, MongoDB

PaceMaker Controller

Based on informal requirements of a pacemaker, we followed model-driven development to develop a real-time controller and went through formal verification. Also provided a dashboard for user to monitor heart rates and adjust pacemaker parameters.
Arduino, C++, MQTT, UART, FreeRTOS

Selected Projects - Robotics, Mechatronics

Quadrotor Autonomy

Crazyflie 2.1 Quadrotor Path Planning, Control, and Localization with IMU and Stereo Camera (Kalman Filter, Pose Estimation, A* Planning and Min-Jerk Path Smoothing). Python, OpenCV

Wall Following Robot WiFi Control

End-to-End design of ESP32 based mobile robot. Real time motor control through WiFi and Webpage. Autonomous wall following using ultrasonic sensors and PID control. C++, Javascript

Path Following Robot

RaspberryPi based mobile robot that can recognize and follow the line on the ground using Line Detection and PID Control.
Python, ROS, OpenCV

Medical Robotics Research

At BU robotics research lab, I worked on designing a soft-foldable robotic arm for assisting colonoscopy. I was focused on designing the electo-mechanical control system with GUI.
Arduino, Mechatronics, Python, SolidWorks

Skills & Knowledge

Programming Languages

C/C++, Python, Javascript,

Robotics & AI

Arduino, RaspberryPi, ROS, Pytorch, OpenCV
Motion Planning, Control, Pose Estimation, Network Protocols

Software Tools & Framworks

Git, AWS, Express.js, React.js, MongoDB,
Spring MVC, Qt, gRPC, Linux,

Some Courses Taken

Operating Systems, Web Programming, Data Analytics, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Control & Motion Planning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning

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  • Boston, MA, USA