A User-level UNIX-like operating system that implements a kernel (priority scheduler),
a FAT16 file system, and a user-interactive shell that supports all basic UNIX commands.
C, UNIX, File System
A User-level UNIX-like operating system that implements a kernel (priority scheduler),
a FAT16 file system, and a user-interactive shell that supports all basic UNIX commands.
C, UNIX, File System
A Distributed Cloud Platform with File Storage and Webmail services. With Multi-threaded HTTP servers at
frontend and key-value stores at backend, the system ensures sequential consistency, fault-tolerance and high scalability.
C++, gRPC/protobuf, Socket
A full-stack social media web application allowing users to share images/videos and to follow other users.
Features includes login sessions, live updated feed, following suggestions, post privacy etc.
Javascript, React, MongoDB
Based on informal requirements of a pacemaker, we followed model-driven development to develop a real-time
controller and went through formal verification. Also provided a dashboard for user to monitor heart rates and
adjust pacemaker parameters.
Arduino, C++, MQTT, UART, FreeRTOS
Crazyflie 2.1 Quadrotor Path Planning, Control, and Localization with IMU and Stereo Camera
(Kalman Filter, Pose Estimation, A* Planning and Min-Jerk Path Smoothing).
Python, OpenCV
End-to-End design of ESP32 based mobile robot. Real time motor control through WiFi and Webpage.
Autonomous wall following using ultrasonic sensors and PID control.
C++, Javascript
RaspberryPi based mobile robot that can recognize and follow the line on the ground using Line Detection and PID Control.
Python, ROS, OpenCV
At BU robotics research lab, I worked on designing a soft-foldable robotic arm for assisting colonoscopy.
I was focused on designing the electo-mechanical control system with GUI.
Arduino, Mechatronics, Python, SolidWorks
C/C++, Python, Javascript,
Arduino, RaspberryPi, ROS, Pytorch, OpenCV
Motion Planning, Control, Pose Estimation, Network Protocols
Git, AWS, Express.js, React.js, MongoDB,
Spring MVC, Qt, gRPC, Linux,
Operating Systems, Web Programming, Data Analytics, Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Control & Motion Planning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning